Our Story
From the University, for the University
For 40 years, Anselm House has sought to wholeheartedly serve the University of Minnesota from the center of campus. From the very beginning we’ve endeavored to help the campus community—from freshman to faculty—make meaningful connections. Our story is one of gathering, educating, and sending out whole leaders for the whole of life.
Christian Student Fellowship is founded at the University of Minnesota.
MacLaurin Institute is founded at the University of Minnesota.
Christian Student Fellowship and MacLaurin Institute merge to form MacLaurinCSF.
MacLaurinCSF becomes Anselm House with a renewed mission of connecting faith & knowledge with all of life.
Anselm House opens the doors of a new home on campus, Melrose Station.
A Name to Match a Vision
St. Anselm of Canterbury was an 11th century theologian and philosopher. He is remembered, among other things, for the concept of “faith seeking understanding.” He believed that our faith and our knowledge of the world are intertwined. His life of thoughtful faithfulness and engagement with learning provides a model for our presence at the university.