8:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Spring Break Hours:
10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m., closed on Friday
We like to practice daily moments of gathering and rest. If you're around in the study center, please feel free to check out one or multiple of our daily rhythms.
Every Day:
Noon Prayer
Tea Time, 3 p.m.
Tea Time, 3 p.m.
Wisdom Waffles, noon
Tea Time, 3 p.m.
Come to Melrose and grab a cup of coffee. You can study, eat a free waffle at Wisdom Over Waffles, linger over tea and snacks at Tea Time, or just exist in a welcoming environment of abundant hospitality.
Our community is formed by shared rhythms of hospitality. Pray with us every day at noon, eat waffles and learn from experts at Wisdom Over Waffles, and rest a while at Tea Time with tea and snacks.
Check out and read over 4,000 books in our theological library.
Our Colin MacLaurin Fellows Program offers one of the most innovative programs of Christian education and formation available to students attending any public university.
Ken Melrose served as the president & CEO of Toro for nearly 25 years. A firm believer in the power of servant leadership, Melrose leveraged his influence to equip and empower others. Before his passing in 2020, Melrose—a longtime friend of Anselm House—was the first to invest in a vision for Anselm House's flagship campus presence in Minneapolis, and Melrose Station was born.