May 11, 2022
Coming This Fall: A Book Celebrating 40+ Years
“The story of what is now Anselm House begins decades ago, with literally thousands of encounters— men and women hearing the call of God to love and serve the University of Minnesota in Christ’s name. Faculty members and campus ministers, along with students and alumni, were summoned to play their parts in what has become a new kind of Christian mission taking shape largely within and for the modern university…”
- Excerpt from Bryan Bademan’s introduction
In celebration of Anselm House’s anniversary, we have commissioned a collection of personal, professional, and theological reflections on forty stories that have marked this mission. This commemorative 120 page book, designed and edited by Rachel Schumann, Allison Steinke, and Geoff Ayers will celebrate the connection of Christian faith & knowledge with all of life at the University of Minnesota.

The book will be completed and distributed at the Grand Opening of Melrose Station at 8:30 p.m. on October 26th, 2022(immediately following the Anderson Lecture "Of Two Minds"). Further information will be shared here as it becomes available, but in the meantime please save the date!
If you have any questions about this book, please reach out to Geoff Ayers at

Learn more about Melrose Station and Anselm House's vision to expand our campus presence in transformative ways.
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