February 25, 2025

Women's Residential Assistant

Anselm House Residential Assistants live within our Residential Fellows Community and are responsible for providing immediate leadership, oversight, and household management within a particular residential household (currently, River House). They work closely with the Residential Director to make sure that each household and its members develops in ways that align with the vision for our Fellows Residential Program. Current or former participants in the Anselm House Fellows Program are eligible to be a residential assistant.


Successful Residential Assistants:

  • Solve problems calmly and creatively
  • Are flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances
  • Perceive and can adapt to the social and emotional needs of others
  • Desire to help others feel a sense of belonging and grow in godly character
  • Interested in growing in leadership in a household
  • Can maintain an available, not over-scheduled presence
  • Have a growing, active Christian faith and daily prayer life
  • Have previous knowledge of or openness to learning the Anselm House Fellows Program curriculum and experience

The Residential Assistant(s) report to the Residential Director and Program Director.


The Residential Assistant maintains relationships to the community, Anselm House, and the property management of their residential housing.

Within the community:

  • Provide leadership for their residential household, including centering and reminding the household of its vision and covenant, convening regular times of household community, encouraging the community in its commitments to shared rhythms of life. RAs are the spiritual stewards of the households, seeking to make the household a place of growth for all its members.
  • Create schedules and ensure follow-through on community practices, including weekly prayer leading, chores, community readings and discussions, meal cooking/cleanup rotations, and semesterly retreats. Communicate these expectations to residents in a timely manner.
  • Maintain regular (at least weekly) contact with all household residents, and offer a quick response to any needs that arise within the community. Anything arising in this respect that goes beyond the scope of the Residential Assistant’s responsibilities (e.g., mental health or medical crises, maintenance issues, etc.) should be immediately communicated to the Residential Director, Property Management, and/or Fellows Program Director.
  • Create and/or support programming and events for the residential community, when appropriate, and support residents’ initiative in developing their own engaging activities that build community, well-being, and a sense of belonging.
  • Be available for discussion of life, academic, and spiritual concerns with household residents. If a particular situation requires more significant time and attention, Residential Assistants are encouraged to refer residents to the Residential Director or other Anselm House staff.
  • Oversee and maintain regular contact with residents in house leadership roles if those roles exist (e.g., floor managers, social chairs, etc.), and offer assistance and advice as needed in helping residents understand and carry out their roles and responsibilities.

Within Anselm House:

  • Communicate regularly with the Residential Director about the residential household, including any challenges arising within the community or lives of particular residential fellows. Plan to meet about twice each month, minimum, with the Residential Director and fellow Residential Assistants.
  • Participate in relevant trainings or meetings for continued development as a Residential Assistant.

Within property management:

  • Ensure that the community cares for the physical residence and complies with resident responsibilities (e.g., changing light bulbs, cleaning, snow removal, lawn care, etc.). 
  • Provide regular communication to Property Management about any non-tenant maintenance or property management issues. Residential Assistants should keep the Residential Director informed about all such property management issues as well.

These responsibilities are typically shared between two Residential Assistants per household, one for the women’s floors, and one for the men’s floors.

Residential Assistants are not responsible for:

  • Any personal, health, spiritual, or mental health needs of residents that go beyond a conversation or two. Residential Assistants should refer such issues to the Residential Director, and with the Residential Director develop a plan for ongoing care. In case of emergency, Residential Assistants are expected to immediately contact the appropriate emergency responders, then supervising staff.
  • Property maintenance, beyond tenant responsibilities: RAs will report any maintenance (non-tenant responsibilities) to Property Management.
  • Collecting residential program contracts and fees: resident program contracts and payment of fees will be managed by the Residential Director or Property Management.


Residential Assistants are expected to spend an average 10-15 hours/week on the responsibilities above, although hours may vary throughout the semester. These hours are based on the presence of two RAs sharing the responsibilities outlined above.


This position requires a 12-month commitment, typically August through July, and may be renewed annually. Residential Assistants are expected to attend scheduled commitments throughout the year, including fall and spring house retreats, leadership training days, and some household events or programs (identified ahead of time).


Residential Assistants will receive a monthly housing credit for a single room, and parking credit, if desired, at the residence they care for. Responsibilities greater than the expectations and average hours outlined above may be eligible for additional compensation.


To apply for this position, please send a letter describing your interest in the position and your past experience with community living and leadership to apply@anselmhouse.org. A community-living-oriented resume is welcome but not required.

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