Dr. Fred Smith Research and Visiting Scholars Awards


Dr. Fred Smith (1911-1965) was a leading UMN Professor of Biochemistry and a committed Christian, who understood and lived the unity between these two parts of his life. To remember his legacy as a Christian scholar, the family of Dr. Fred Smith since 2017 has funded annual research and visiting scholars awards to help train a generation of Christian leaders who, like Dr. Smith, are connecting faith and knowledge with all of life.

Dr. Fred Smith Research Awards for Colin MacLaurin Fellows

These awards are available to students in our Colin MacLaurin Fellows Program to prepare them as Christian leaders in their field of study and future career. Current fellows may apply for up to $1000 of funding per year. Funding may be used for attending conferences or workshops, supporting new or existing research, visiting and engaging with a prominent scholar or community of practice, building a prototype, or supporting internships or apprenticeships. We welcome a wide range of proposals aimed at helping students better integrate their faith with their academic studies and future career.


If you have questions or want to discuss the Fellows Program further, please contact Casie Szalapski at cs@anselmhouse.org. You can also fill out this form, and we will reach out to you.